We’re kicking off 2019 with a Q&A! On January 31st you’ll be able to tune in and listen to Stuart and co. talk about upcoming releases and our plans for the games within the Dystopian Age.

This Q&A event will be focusing on all things from Warcradle Studios; Wild West Exodus, Dystopian Wars, and Firestorm Armada, and will be shared on the Warcradle Studios Facebook page (as well as our YouTube channel).

Submit your burning questions NOW! We’ll be answering as many as we can during the video - all you have to do is leave it on our Facebook event wall.

We will try and answer as many questions as we can during the video. All questions need to be submitted BEFORE Tuesday 22nd January at 12 pm (midday) GMT.

The video will go live on Thursday 31st January and a summary will follow. A follow-up article will be published to the Warcradle Studios blog and the Community forum for you to read at your leisure.

See you then!

Make sure to check the Facebook event for regular updates.