Warcradle Studios

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We're Attending AdeptiCon 2018!

In March we'll be joining over 80 exhibitors at AdeptiCon 2018. With us, we'll be bringing the weird west battles of the Wild West Exodus world, our dynamic demo team (we don't go anywhere without them!), and some sneaky event exclusives - including some very welcome Dystopian Wars previews!

AdeptiCon will be staging various tournaments, event games, and hobby seminars for you to get involved with, covering all aspects of miniature wargaming as a hobby, and more.

Registration is open now, so if you're interested in battling it out against mad scientists (Union vs Enlightened, anyone?) make sure to get registered!

Make sure you're following us on Facebook and Twitter for updates regarding this and many other events.

We'll see you in March!

Are you thinking of attending AdeptiCon? Join our Facebook event to see who else is going! 

What would you like to see from Warcradle Studios at AdeptiCon? Comment on our Facebook event page and let us know!