So, you're worried you've missed a couple Wild West Exodus announcements from July? We know there was a lot, but don't fret, we've compiled our announcements from last month in to this article to bring you up to speed.

You'll find the latest announcements below including new releases and a few upcoming events that'll be attending!

Table top gaming live 

Warcradle Studios are official sponsors of Tabletop Gaming Live! 
Make sure to come and see Wild West Exodus at Booth G1 - have a demo and a chat with our awesome demo team, and pick up some goodies while you're at it!

We will be posting more information, about what to expect from our booth, as we get closer to the event.

The UK masters will be at Table top gaming live!

Adepticon 2019!

Warcradle Studios will be attending AdeptiCon 2019!

We will be joining over 100 exhibitors who attend AdeptiCon every year to showcase their new products, run demos and interact with the community.

AdeptiCon is a fantastic show to attend, priding itself on presenting its attendees the highest quality wargaming event possible, and we cannot wait to join in the wargaming fun!

Secret Service & Dark Nation

Abe Lincoln's Seceret Service Posse and Wicasani's Dark Nation Posse are avaliable to pre-order now!

Not only that but the Hexalith and Kaga Brothers are available to pre-order separately. Click below to learn more

Gunslinger OP Kit

The Wild West Exodus Gunslinger Organised Play Prize kit is the perfect addition for anyone looking to run their own Wild West Exodus Tournament. It includes Limited Edition Prize Pins for the top 3 players and Limited Edition Gold Poker Chips for the remaining participants, both are only available in this set.

Updated Rules and Unit Cards (V1.08)

The latest version of the Wild West Exodus Rulebook is now online along with the updated Unit Cards, Faction Posse and Armoury Cards, and Common Rules.


Downloadable PDF - German Rules (v1.08)

Wild West Exodus Rules have been translated into German and are now available to download for FREE!

Spanish Rules (v1.08)

Downloadable PDF - Spanish Rules (v1.08)

Wild West Exodus Rules have been translated into Spanish and are now available to download for FREE!

New Website

New Website!

The Wild West Exodus website has been updated! Have you seen? It's been given a completely new look, and there's some new features and stories too.

What are you waiting for? Go, take a look around!

Dixie Ressurection & Infernal Investigations

New Releases 

The Dixie Resurrection Posse and Infernal Investigations Posse are available to order.

And, that's not all, Legendary Rani Nimue, previously only available at events attended by Warcradle Studios, and the newly remastered Great Elk are too!


Tabletop Gaming Magazine (Issue 20) - FREE K9 Attack Dog

There's a FREE K9 Attack Dog sprue for Wild West Exodus in the July issue of Tabletop Gaming Magazine! Purchase your copy of online or from your local store!
