Passed down from each generation, the Priory have been centering and concentrating in their mastery of the Mythos. This comprehension ensures the preparation for the impending future. This harnessed power is exactly what humanity is in need for, to channel and utilise control for an epic struggle against the wrath of the Old Ones.

Knowledge is power, so the adage goes. To the adepts of the Priory, this is a literal truth as they have been curating their knowledge of Mythos for generati...

Aeons have passed and the beings with the power of divination have kept the secrets of the Mythos close and shared to only those worthy. Yet, current existence has been left in the dark, seemingly unaware of the greater power ready to be unleashed. The few blessed and advantaged handful of existence have barely scratched the surface to ensure their sanity remains intact. 

As the world progressed, technology did also, and humanity became ignorant of their destiny. The coveted lore and secrets of the Mythos had been buried for the ideals of progression in technology and modern society. Now, The Priory is being led by their mysterious coordinator Madame Adrestia, to guide them through the horrors and dangers that stalk in the shadow of darkness, so the Priory themselves can reign victorious in the Shadow War.

The Priory goes back through generation to generation with faction members working worldwide in self-contained groups, known as ‘Cells’. Regardless of how advanced technology might be, Cells do not contact one another, and the clanship, recruitment and training relies solely on the shoulders of the Cell Leader.

The leader of the cell that will be playable with miniatures is Professor Zachary Lazarus. He has held the torch of leadership within his Cell for over a decade, and continues to do so with wit and ambition. Lazarus has mastered skills in the arcane and occult, expertise in which will benefit both him and his vigorous Cell. He receives calls from the puzzling and mysterious Madame Adrestia, to ensure orders are put in place for the next mission for The Priory to succeed. Lazarus has been known for his avant-garde attitude, where he is more than often found in communications with his cat Zeus.

Yet, interestingly enough; Zeus’ relationship with Lazarus is none like those with a regular house cat. This creature has the ability to comprehend every minute detail within his discussion with Lazarus, which makes him the perfect candidate to happily oblige with different tasks set by The Priory, such as infiltration, observation and stealthy invasion towards enemy factions.

The anarchist-archaeologist Abigail Halsey is an irreplaceable cog of the Lazarus Cell, which her skills and expertise in research are often pivotal to conquer and overpower challenges that unravel for the Cell. Abigail’s advanced discoveries have uncovered many hidden gems within the world, such as the journal of Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel and the Mythos secrets. These key items were used to mould and form the Golem Maharal.

The Golem Maharal is a fifteen-foot tall animated clay malformation which contributes the power and brawn for the Lazarus Cell on their missions. Maharal’s prowess and physical strength has the ability to overpower the other members of the team, which makes him an integral part of the Lazarus cell.

Bertie Smythe’s traumatic past has caved the pathway for his role within the Lazarus cell. Smythe was once a decorated pilot over the Western Front, and an emotionally scarring encounter in the clouds left him mentally affected by his outlook on the world. Thus transforming him into a very different man. Yet, the corrupted views in which he encountered throughout that distressing and damaging event will not deter him from battle. Smythe’s chosen weapon of destruction is an epic flamethrower, but paired with an affiliation with hard liquor and cigarettes on a constant supply, he is willing and ready to fight for justice. 

With all the technology that the Cell withholds, they are fortunate enough to be blessed with the mechanically minded Kitty Page, the newest addition to the already well-equipped Cell. Kitty joined the Cell after their mission in Providence against the Path of Chronozon. Although she is still relatively new fighting against the fell powers, she is more than qualified to team-up in the battlefield, not just ensuring the weaponry and tech is reliable, but she can truly hold her own.

The Priory Faction Set is available to be pre-ordered now, from Wayland Games and your FLGS, so be sure to find your closest store with our store locator.

So join the Skirmish and fight side-by-side in horrors of the Shadow War with The Lazarus Cell with The Priory Faction Starter Set.