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Harness the Power of Mythos - with Wyldborne

The divine right and balance are of utmost importance. Naturalists and biologists are adamant in the fact that natural order need remain intact and uncorrupt.

Yet what they are not aware of, is embedded in the apparent harmony of the natural world, there is an ancient force known as the Wyld seeking to wreak havoc.

The power of the Wyld has been praised, cherished and honoured for aeons, and even in the present; it can be found deep within the roots of satanic religions. The Wyldborne are aware of the ways of old, but their organic and raw manifestation comes heavily for those who reside within shadows of woodland terrain.

Persuaded by the whispers within the forest, Dorothy Good and her sister Mercy were reared under the regulations of Old Lore. The woodland beckoned to her with will, enticing Dorothy to contaminate the family soup with deadly fungi that she sourced fresh from the eerie and earthly forest of the Wyld.

Her family’s health began to rapidly decline and as vowed - they quickly surrendered to the toxins. However, Dorothy and her sister awoke mentally resurrected… The forest continues to beckon to her nightly, and she waits patiently and eagerly for the Wyld’s plans... for her and the Wyld’s acolytes within the Wyldborne.

The serpents, Blood and Nadrageel paid a happy visit to the Good residence the night after Dorothy and Mercy’s parents’ demise. The lifeless bodies of their parents would be sure to become substance for these creatures' hunger, as all-natural resources will never be wasted within the boundaries of the Wyld. After the reptiles effortlessly devoured their subsistence, the loving sacrifice which Dorothy had provided, these snakes were ever more bound to her will.

The serpent, Blood, has become bound and codependent with Dorothy. Whilst his sibling, Nadrageel, chooses to search for his prey alone. The dynamic between this duo of monstrosities directly mirrors the relationship that Dorothy has with her own sister, Mercy. Feeding off the energy from their mistress, Blood and Nadrageel know when they need to hunt, and more importantly, who their masters want them to devour.

Sernos is a pure embodiment of the Wyld. A physical horror with the ability to personify the worst of nightmares, by appearing in true reality. Known in antiquity as ‘the Goat’, Sernos has lurked the dusky and gloomy woodland for an age, before humanity could communicate and define him. His muscle and brute force is as strong as the Wyld itself, fed by over 20 million dead beings as a result of the Great War… he is ready. Ready to respond to Dorothy and her call for the impending battle in the name of the Wyld to wreak unthinkable and unimaginable havoc.

Mercy Good, the barrow-witch may be the eldest, but her abrasive personality stems from aggression and a primal fury. These traits make her incapable of holding title within her faction, it is because of these reasons she cannot dictate the actions of the Wyld. Her brutality and harsh nature cause her to seek out the need for blood-pour, by the guidance and puppet-strings of the Wyld - alongside her own blood: Dorothy.

A nuckelavee - A deer-like demon that combines elaphine and human elements, Loren lurks the forest in darkness hunting its prey in the depths. With her skills of perception and vigilance, Loren has proven to be an invaluable member to the Wyld. This beautiful beast’s affinity and intrinsic connection with the Wyld is invaluable, due to her deep understanding of the forest and natural touch with the Wyld. As long as her voracious appetites are sated, she can be relied upon to fearlessly attempt any task that Dorothy Good may require of her in the Shadow War.

Restore the natural order and balance by manifesting the power of the Mythos with the Wyldborne Faction Starter Set - available from Wayland Games and your FLGS. Find your closest store with our store locator.