To dedicate a life to the sole purpose of gaining knowledge is a righteous path to excel down. Often, the need to find answers becomes an unhealthy obsession. Yet some seek the truths in their world to dominate others mentally. It becomes a powerful weapon to push inferiority onto weaker-minded beings. This path is a dangerous one, and it is the Path of Chronozon... a life of which Chester Barreman was suited highly to.

Chronozon is the dweller in the abyss. The demon of time and chaos was said to be the last great obstacle between the adept and enlightenment. Barreman knew ...

Chester Barreman may have chosen this life, but the Path of Chronozon chose him. When he was younger, Chester excelled in knowledge in history, excelling further in his interest in ancient civilisations and their religions. He became engrossed by the belief system and its connections between its acolytes’ world and reality-wide. His studies into the depth of knowledge matured at an alarming rate and his thirst for knowledge became a harmful obsession.

He was quick to sacrifice his sanity that he made a subconscious bargain to dig deeper. He was now unrecognisable to himself in his reflection, all that stared back at him in the mirror was the dark soulless eyes of the Chronozon. He had become stronger as the mark began to settle on him. He was renewed and reincarnated with an abundance of information. His soul still remained intact within his vessel, but he walked the life of the demon. He walked the Path of Chronozon. 

Led by Barreman’s protege, Lydia Heron, the followers of the Path wear masks and wear the symbols of the abyss proudly and with honour. Not only does this superficially hide their identity for the gazing eyes of others, but purges their own individuality to become one with the Path. The Path of Chronozon is home to many followers. All of which harnesses irreplaceable knowledge. All of which serve a purpose as an integral cog in their faction. 

Barreman has taught them that Chronozon’s function is to destroy the ego, which ensures escapism from themselves, their independence and their individuality. To gain the ability to see beyond two dimensions and drift beyond the abyss of occult cosmology. 

Chester has harnessed many skills to excel his knowledge and power, including mastering the art of summoning through a demonic ritual. By the sacrifice of a servant’s lucid state - a spawn of Chronozon enters into this reality. This horrific abomination is not dumb, it recognises Barreman’s mark of Chronozon and follows closely to his demands and needs. The spawn is no pet, it follows instructions from his master… it serves as an integral part of the team, just as much as his followers. A demon of the umbra, the spawn is the embodiment of the abyss in cold blood and fury. Its versatility allows it to sweep through any environment with ease and stealth with the aid of its vorpal teeth and claws. A powerful ally for a powerful team.

As Chester guides his way through the Path of Chronozon, he is not naive to the fact that there are more factions are arising, as The Shadow War looms overhead. They too have hope of success and harnessing the power of Mythos. His grasp and understanding has opened his eyes further to the larger skirmish between the imminent awakening of the Gods of old, and their mortal pawns.

This is no battle like those of men. This battle is due to be something more sinister and insidious. The servants of the Chronozon are prepared for the creatures that lurk behind their Gods… and wish to gain supremacy in the constant struggle of this war. 

The Path of Chronozon Faction Set is available now, from Wayland Games and your FLGS, so be sure to find your closest store with our store locator.
