Paints Used
P3 Greatcoat Grey
P3 Morrow White
Vallejo Premium Airbrush Fluro Orange
As I'm getting a lot of questions regarding my painting methods and techniques, I'm going to open the floor to you guys and run a rough and ready five minute tutorial every few days based on what you guys want to see!
So, today we'll be looking at the awesome Blackhoof models for my metal recipe.
Over a black undercoat lay down a basecoat of Greatcoat Grey. I water this down around 4-1 and feather out the edges into the shadows.
For the next stage add white until you have a 50/50 mix. This is then watered down a wee bit more to around 5-1.
This is placed quite roughly. Add a few flicks and streaks to break up large flat area to simulate dents and light blooms.
Add more white to around two parts white one part grey. Add a wee bit more water to around a 7/1 mix. This is applied as an edge highlight and to enhance the scratches. This will be thin but allows for seamless blending if repeated two or three times.
Final edge highlight in pure white. Once again watered around 7/1.
Finally, add a very fine glaze of colour to bring the NMM to life. You can do this in many different ways to achieve different types of metal. I've added a vague rusty feel by mixing Bloodstone and Fluro Orange in equal parts with around ten parts water which I've applied to recessed areas to add visual interest.
What has Daz been painting today?
Well, that would be the blackhoofs from the Confederate Blackhoof Scouts!
You can order your own Confederate Blackhoof Scouts directly from us here or from your FLGS.