Daz's Dailies #7 - Spirit Glow
Paints Used
Vallejo Fluro Blue
Vallejo Fluro Green
P3 Morrow White
Good morning, gunslingers!
Daz's Daily is all about ‘spirit glow’.
First, I mix up two parts Vallejo Fluro Blue, one part Vallejo Fluro Green and one part Morrow White. This is watered down 7-1.
The previous mix is glazed on and around the eye. This is repeated five times to get the right level of saturation.
The eye and the eyelid are glazed with Morrow White. This is repeated three times to build the glow.
The entire area is once again glazed with our starting mix and job’s a good'un!
What has Daz been painting today?
Well, that would be the Wendigo!
You can order your own Wendigo directly from us here or from your FLGS.
Want to paint your own?
Check out the following Daz’s Dailies: