Warcradle Studios Diary #1
Starting from this week we are going to produce a regular series of Studio Diaries which will draw back the curtain a little on what is being worked on!
Well, it’s been a busy 2019 for us here in the studio. In addition to the hundred plus products we’ve released this year, the most visible part of our efforts for many of you would be our presence at the various major games shows and exhibitions around the world. As I write this our teams are prepping for Tabletop Gaming Live, in the UK in September and then Spiel in Germany in October. Then it’s over to PAX Unplugged in the good ol’ US of A to close out the year.
Of course shows are a small part of what the Studio works on throughout the year, but all too often much of that hard work takes place out of sight of the wider public. We thought that should change!
Starting from this week we are going to produce a regular series of Studio Diaries which will draw back the curtain a little on what is being worked on. These articles won’t cover every game each time and won’t necessarily be related to each other. Instead they will be a glimpse at the various workings in Warcradle Studios. Sometimes we’ll have a discussion with one of the talents who make our games and miniatures possible while at other times you might have to put up with my own various ramblings.
The Studio Diaries will be a great place to show of sneak peeks at future projects and designs, such as these fantastic concepts for the Relthoza for Firestorm Armada!
Or to show off some of the artwork for the forthcoming Borodino Battlegroup for Dystopian Wars.
Speaking of Dystopian Wars, I promised to show some of the unit cards for the new game. These are still being refined but here’s a taste of what a Union Fleet might contain in the new game. Keen eyed observers will note the first appearance of a Unique vessel in the game, Nikolai Tesla’s arc technology test-bed the USS Philadelphia.
So hopefully this has whetted your appetite for future Warcradle Studio Diaries. Until next time!