One’s a superhuman scientist and his creations, another’s a desperado and his nefarious family...

Available to pre-order this month, and released on 27th April 2019, is The Bloody Espinosas and Tainted Biology! Two new posses filled with both familiar and unfamiliar faces, one for Hex and one for Outlaws, we do like to treat you after all.

Oh wait, there’s more.

Did you think you’d seen the last of the Doctor? Legendary Carpathian is certainly not dead… anymore. Caym may have tried to rid the world of one of the most influential figures in the Covenant of the Enlightened but we’re happy to have Burson Carpathian in his new incarnation. Are you?

We can't leave the Union out now, can we? The Union Fire Team is here to support the good men and women fighting on your tabletop. Comprised of soldiers whose strength and skill at arms have been proven both in training and in the field, they’re sure to give you the weaponry you need.

Want to add some extra flavour to your town? Pre-order the Red Oak Bridge Set and travel easier around between upper-level balconies, and decorate your streets with lampposts and other scatter terrain.

These items are available to pre-order from us, or your FLGS, and as always, be sure to check out all of this month’s pre-orders so you don't miss out on any of our new Wild West Exodus products.


Felipe Espinosa, or Bloody Espinosa as he is often referred to on wanted posters throughout the states of Durango, Sonora and West Texas, is a rogue, desperado, thief, mariachi and, to many, a bold freedom fighter. He cares little for the laws of the Union, which he feels do not apply to him and even less for the lives of those who stand in his way. Filipe is a brute of a man, a slab of muscle and hate, twice the width of a normal man. Felipe's infamy is well deserved and widespread.  

Felipe can usually rely on his equally nefarious family to back him in a fight. His eldest brother, Vivian, was once the leader of the gang until he was shot in the back by the bounty hunter Thomas Tate Tobin. Instead of dying over the next few days Vivian lingered on, his body twisted and mutated into a screaming malformed beast. In the chaos that followed  Vivian’s wife, Sofia Antoniela, stepped forward and calmed her husband. She could see the recognition in his still familiar eyes and the mindless rage within him abated. He now lives a half-life where he is driven by instinct more than rational thought but, as long as he is close to his beloved wife, he can retain enough of his humanity to restrain himself from savagely attacking anyone in sight.

Please note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.

  • Character Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Wild West Exodus website.

Price: £35.00


Dr. Viktor Beitel was once a brilliant scientist whos self-experimentation left him destitute. For years Beitel had been unsuccessfully blending the viscus glowing red fuel with testosterone to increase muscle and bone synthesis. His dream was to find a way to introduce an RJ infused serum into the human body and to harness its power to effectively create an ubermensch - a superhuman.
n the final days of the Ore War, Beitel was part of a Confederate attack on a shipment of RJ-1027 destined for the Union. The Enlighted defending the shipment took a heavy toll on the Confederates and only Beitel survived, with a solitary barrel of RJ for his trouble.

Beitel’s dreams began to slip through his fingers as even with such limited resources, the Ore war reached its end and the list of volunteers willing to risk their lives in such a manner dwindled to nothing. He did not let this crush his hopes, however, and he made the acquaintance of a resourceful associate Skip McKidney.

Please note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.

  • Character Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Wild West Exodus website.

Price: £35.00


One of the most influential figures in the Covenant of the Enlightened, Burson Carpathian was a man on who the very Dystopian Age would hinge upon. Carpathian cared not for such things. His obsession over the past decade was in researching and challenging the very laws of nature so that he might be able to restore to life his beloved wife Veronica.

Utilising the latest scientific and engineering breakthroughs, Carpathian is sustained in a reshaped body and mind. In his new incarnation, Carpathian’s physical form is formidable.  His new hands can crush bone with little effort and his Atomic Minigun is capable of laying down a hail of irradiated bullets.

Please note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.

  • Character Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Wild West Exodus website.

Price: £23.00


The Union army relies on its manpower as much as it does firepower. Often Union infantry will be supported by Fire Teams carrying heavier weaponry. These small units are comprised of soldiers whose strength and skill at arms have been proven both in training and in the field.

Please note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.

  • Character Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Wild West Exodus website.

Price: £15.00


The town of Red Oak is growing daily and while space is freely available sometimes a patron will want a more surreptitious route between buildings. For this reason, many buildings have bridges linking their upper-level balconies making travel between them easier and quicker.

This set contains one bridge and a number of lampposts and other scatter terrain to add additional flavour to your town.

Please note:

  • Red Oak Bridge Set is supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.

Price: £20.00

